We produce an independent, non-biased estimate to act as the primary estimate or as a comparison to estimates developed by owner-operators, joint venture partners or 3rd parties.
Our work processes and custom tools provide a quality estimate in a fraction of the traditional time. Allowing more time to study options and optimize for cost reductions.
Supporting staff personnel during:
We can assist with data entry, individual unit of operations or complete estimate development.
For companies that want to improve their estimating process by using the AspenONE suite of products, we provide assistance and advise with the implementation, and Individual mentoring or group training from basic operations to advanced techniques of Aspen Capital Cost Estimator (ACCE) or other Aspen Economic Evaluation programs.
An independent evaluation to access the accuracy and validity of an estimate.
An outside reviewer to identify omissions or overstatements. The cold eyes review is an informal process between the cost estimators, typically occurring prior to any management review.
Project contingency and risk analysis based on the maturity of the project definition.
Comparison of costs to historic factors and projects. Useful in establishing project risk.